Not Nice. Clever. Artwork

Not Nice. Clever.

Not Nice. Clever. is for the introverted entrepreneur looking to level up in mind, brand and bank account.

If you’re ready to finally stand out, find your people and build business in a way that feels good to you, you’re in the right place.

Join Kat and Candice as part of the #CleverCrew, where this dynamic duo shares their journey, stories and strategies on how introverts can thrive and build successful businesses.

Feeling like your introverted nature is holding you back? Tired of being described as “shy” just because you’re an introvert? Well, you’ve found your people. From navigating awkward situations to making a lasting impact, they'll guide you through it all with a bit of not niceness and a whole lot of clever.

With exciting guest appearances, each episode is packed with inspiring stories, valuable insights, and practical tips to help you leverage your introverted strengths. It's time to step into the person you're meant to be, introvert and all.

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Head Shot

Candice Carioppolo

Head Shot

Kat Torre
