Not Nice. Clever.
Not Nice. Clever. is for the introverted entrepreneur looking to level up in mind, brand and bank account.
If you’re ready to finally stand out, find your people and build business in a way that feels good to you, you’re in the right place.
Join Kat and Candice as part of the #CleverCrew, where this dynamic duo shares their journey, stories and strategies on how introverts can thrive and build successful businesses.
Feeling like your introverted nature is holding you back? Tired of being described as “shy” just because you’re an introvert? Well, you’ve found your people. From navigating awkward situations to making a lasting impact, they'll guide you through it all with a bit of not niceness and a whole lot of clever.
With exciting guest appearances, each episode is packed with inspiring stories, valuable insights, and practical tips to help you leverage your introverted strengths. It's time to step into the person you're meant to be, introvert and all.
Not Nice. Clever.
Own Your Strengths: Finding (and Using) Our Superpowers
Want Some "Not Nice Advice" Send Us A Text!
We’ve all got those things people naturally turn to us for—our hidden superpowers.
In this episode, we're help you tap into those strengths and embrace what makes each of us valuable. We’re getting candid about letting go of weaknesses, finding teammates who make us better, and focusing on the skills we’re already great at. Together, we’ll learn to show up as our best selves, work smarter, and recognize that we’ve got everything we need to succeed.
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Hi, I'm Kat, marketer turned brand storyteller. And I'm Candice, educator turned entrepreneur. And you're listening to Not Nice, Clever. As CEOs and leaders, it's your job to always have the answers. But sometimes you need a little help. Leverage, if you will. We get it. This is the place for you. So wherever you're listening, 530 AM Club at the gym, on your way to your next meeting or putting out today's fire, let's get into it.
In today's mini episode of Not Nice Clever, we're talking about how to leverage personal strengths. So the truth is you already have everything that you need to be successful and your personal strengths are your secret sauce. But sometimes we're so focused on other things that we're not, or they feel so normal to us that we don't even know what our superpowers are. So in today's episode, we're talking about how to identify them, amplify and leverage your unique strengths
create success on your own terms and to really understand why someone should want to work with you and why you're doing it what you're Let's go. number one, identifying your superpowers, which I will give full permission to everybody listening and watching this. If you are listening and watching this,
I can guarantee you, you've got a few superpowers up your sleeve that you don't even realize. So if they don't immediately come to mind, I want you to think about what do people always come to you for advice on? Or what are some common problems that you have helped clients or team members or even family members solve? Because your superpowers show up as much in your professional life as they do in your personal life. And then if you are completely stuck and you're like, Kat, Candice, I'm boring.
What was me? Okay, then I want you to actually go to your family members or your friends or your colleagues or your peers and say, Hey, if I had a superpower, what would it be in business? And start there because they'll probably reflect back to you more clearly than you could think for yourself. Literally just text three different people right now and ask them, Hey, if I had a superpower, what would it be? What, what do you think my superpower is? And text a colleague.
Text a client, text a family member. Boom, there it is, do it. Let's see. The next one is play to your strengths, not your weaknesses. So you don't have to be everything to everyone. You don't have to know everything. You can relieve yourself of that pressure. You just need to own what you are good at and make sure
that other people know what that is. That way you'll have people coming to you with problems that you are actually really specially equipped to solve instead of constantly reminded about everything in the world that you're not great at because there are things that I'm not great at and that Candice isn't great at but we don't broadcast that so that we get reminded of that on regular basis. Right.
Cultivate self-awareness. We lean into what we're really good at. We make it better and we find different ways to offset our areas of opportunity for growth. Absolutely. The next one is leverage your strengths to solve problems. So get really clear on what problems it is that you solve. And another thing that we didn't mention that I think will be a good tool in identifying your superpower is looking at your testimonials or reviews or even just
looking back at things that people have texted you after working with you, what are they saying about you? What stands out to them? I know sometimes for me, the things that they say surprise me. So I'm like, that's what you got from that? Interesting. Like that's maybe not what I thought they were gonna get, but that was the most important thing. So that tells me that maybe I should double down on that or that's, know.
That's what's important to my client. So listening to the words that your clients use to review you or give you a testimonial or just even shoot you a nice text message. What are the saying? Yeah. like extra credit for that would be to dump all of that into chat GPT and ask it to analyze what are the common themes, patterns, trends, words, phrases, and literally just rope that right into your marketing and your branding. There you go.
Okay, the last thing and this is probably the most important and this is going to require you being vulnerable and this is, it's just very helpful. So it is about surrounding yourself with people who have complementary strengths to you. Now it's important, we're not saying different, we're not saying polar opposite, we're not saying, you know, the thing you wish you could be great at, get that person in your life.
people who compliment you, right? Yeah. Who can fit together like a puzzle piece and you can lift one up, one another up together. When I had a real job, I a real job and they would do reviews. Uh-huh. One of the categories that we would get reviewed in was ability to assemble teams. And they would, you know, there's like a scale.
And they would say, okay, you know, you're, and I think four was the highest, like you're a four at assembling teams or, you not a four, three, two or one. And that, that was such an important skill that it was something that they always wanted us to focus on. Like, can you pull a group together to solve a problem in an effective manner, highlighting people's strengths and, you know, solve problems together and.
Because of that, I realized how important, if they're willing to track this on every review, that's an important skill in life and business. And it's definitely an important skill in entrepreneurship, is understanding not only the social dynamics of assembling a team, but also the unique skill sets that everyone brings and their background and how that impacts how they show up. All of that is really, really important. And if you can master the skill of assembling a team,
You look, that's gold. That's going to help you do anything that in and of itself is a superpower. So I focus on that. Yeah, I, I agree. Like I have learned the value of being able to be on the same page and also the detractors of not being on the same page. And so if you do this, you know, three text exercise that Candice recommended and somebody says, you're really good at getting people on the same page or really good at getting people to like,
work together, even though that doesn't sound sexy, because it doesn't, it's super impactful. It is such a superpower. And I guarantee you there is a team leader, an executive, a CEO that wants to talk to you about how can you help them learn how to do that within their own team, within their own organization. this is one of Kat's superpowers. Is it? Yeah, I think so.
Like you're able to be like a bridge between different departments and kind of be able to help them work together and communicate more effectively. I've definitely seen you do that. Thank you. I kind of see that. Y'all. Hey, we're taking our own advice right here on the podcast. Exactly. So to recap, leveraging your personal strengths first start by identifying what those are. If you have no clue and think you're super boring and mundane.
text a friend, a client, and a colleague and start there. And instead of focusing on where you're lacking or where you're not as strong, play to your strengths. Find ways to use that to solve problems. And then once you have mastered that self-awareness and that curiosity and Piper barking in the background, we then want you to surround yourself with people who have complementary strengths.
Piper isn't being very complimentary to this podcast episode right now. Candice, any parting words for the clever crew on this mini episode? Thanks for being here. And if you haven't already, leave us a five star review, share with a friend.
Thanks for joining us on Not Nice, Clever. Remember to follow Not Nice, Clever wherever you listen to audio. And if you haven't already, drop that five star review. Share your takeaways. Tell us your story. We love to hear it. Signing off, you're not so nice, but so clever besties that mean business. See you soon.